
Happy Birthday, Pao!

Happy Birthday, Pao!

Obviously, you’re my favorite person in the world! It’s about time I added you to my favorite persons list here in my blog. It took a while, and up to now there’s so much to say but I can’t find the words.

I said it years ago and I’m saying it again, “I can be imperfect with you.” Not that I am, but that I am safe and loved without any pressure to be the best or to always be right nor nice. No pretense, no performance, no reservations. I can simply be me. And I never even needed makeup.

Unknown to many, you graduated college late. You worked to be able to finish college, and even when you were already earning and didn’t need to, you still went back to school to finish your course, so that you can be a good example to your then future children.

Our wedding was a testimony of your faith and God’s provision. You waited on God for His timing, finished college first, and trusted Him for everything.

Yours is the encouragement that works, the voice that matters. You encouraged me to brave my fears, and we rode The Hulk coaster together, something I would have never done otherwise. It was the best ride ever!

You became my bestest friend when Brei came and left. When we were in the middle of that storm, you stayed ahead and hit it head on, providing covering for me. You held my hand throughout, assuring me that everything will be alright, even when you didn’t see when that will be. You simply believed and trusted God.

Thank you for never being detached. From nights of crying then, to being my scratching pad during those painful breastfeeding moments, to being awake with me before Noah learned to sleep through the night, to mornings filled with joy today as we laugh at each new sound Noah makes, thank you for going through life with me.

Thank you for boldly jumping out of the boat when God told you to do so. I’d rather be in the water holding on to nothing but your hand, trusting God with you than being cozy in the boat not allowing God to make us experience walking on water.

Thank you for dreaming with me. I’m excited for that morning we’ll dress Noah up and with a lightsaber for our trip to Star Wars Land. For that sunset at Maldives. For staycationing at Club Noah. For shades and pictures at Santorini. For movie nights at our own house. For countless Ichiran bowls and croquantchous. For that day we have our physical store dedicated to the Lord. For moments beyond our dreams. For every single day.

But whatever is waiting for us tomorrow, I am so thankful for today. I couldn’t have a better husband, Brei and Noah couldn’t have a better dad.

I know I usually sound like your best critique. I know you know what those mean and that I’m proud of you, for your vision and your drive, for who you are.
I love your faith, bravery, humor, your laugh (oh, your laugh!!!), your heart.

I know you’re supposed to be the one making a wish for your birthday, but if I were to make one, it’s that Noah grows to have a heart like yours. I couldn’t ask for anything more.

So… I baked this. Baked it to be a little bit on the dark side. Haha. #sunogibabaw


About Pam Marasigan

Hello! I'm a wife and mom who has a full-time job and does homeschooling, and I also birthed a book a year after we lost our firstborn. I aspire to live each day according to God’s purpose for me. I believe that we were designed to live life to the full throughout life’s different seasons.