
The Closed Door

The Closed Door

“The Lord gave him physical recovery through food and sleep, and after that a fresh new mission.” If you haven’t read my previous blog, it might help you if you’re tired and exhausted.

Today marks for me a closure of a season that was—sudden ad hoc projects that kept extending indefinitely or giving birth to new ad hoc projects. Formal meetings with formal closures somehow made me feel that the door has finally been closed, and a whole new playroom awaits to be explored. While there’s still a few more things to do until the end of the week, there’s just a fresh wind of newness after today that I have now started to think ahead and how to bring back some sort of rhythm to my own work and also for the people I get to work with. Before this day, thinking ahead or finding a rhythm was simply impossible, which, obviously drives someone wired like me no less than crazy.

But what an adventure it was. To be able to give your all. To be able to have the privilege to give your all. To be able to give your all and go beyond the natural limits you have, because the Lord who told you to do what you do has given you more than enough grace. To be certain that without the Lord, nothing would have been possible. That in itself is beyond worth it, but all the more when the Lord has blessed you to witness the fruits of your labor—people prepared and equipped, ready to thrive in whatever new season the Lord has prepared for them.

We say this at our new hire orientation, and it was so fitting to recall this verse today.

Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
Isaiah 43:18–19

The door has been closed. Off to the new playroom. And I remember the Lord saying,

My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.
Exodus 33:14

The door to the season that was has been closed. I look forward to tomorrow. 

Hey there! It’s not every time that I blog about what’s simply happening in my life, but today marks a milestone of sorts. And I look forward to the start of things turning around. A little bit more sanity, but just the same, grace, grace.


About Pam Marasigan

Hello! I'm a wife and mom who has a full-time job and does homeschooling, and I also birthed a book a year after we lost our firstborn. I aspire to live each day according to God’s purpose for me. I believe that we were designed to live life to the full throughout life’s different seasons.