
2019: A Year of Growth

2019 A Year of Growth

How old are you? When I ask people to guess the answer they would say I’m in my late 20s. A week ago, the best guess was thirty four (I was turning thirty five). 2019 has been a year of growth in so many areas, so much #adulting and stretching than in previous years combined. I guess, my face has caught up with my age. Haha! And so here goes my annual birthday post which got delayed because I finally found time to have my hair fixed (and I forgot how long that takes) and Christmas preparations and celebrations happened. What is the meaning of life? What is a life well lived? These are the questions in my head for some time. I have resolved that I am not to define it for others but that each one is set to seek (and find) their own answer. Mine is that I have laid it down to simply do what, by faith, God has called me to do. To call it a life well lived is to do no more or less than that, and that I live with Him and not just for His purpose. This year has been so much of God’s molding and maturing that instead of the usual gratitude post, I’d like to share what I’ve been learning, what’s been glaring and resounding this past year.

  1. Be secure in who you are. It is in being secure with who I am that I have thrived, have peace, and continue to grow.
  2. It’s never too late to learn and grow. My capacity will grow if I choose to press on and with people who believe in me and walk with me. It may be hard to teach old dogs new tricks, but not impossible if the dog wants to learn, and with a patient teacher.
  3. Be who you want others to be to you.
  4. Ascribe good intentions. That car that took two parking slots, you never know everyone else parked off-grid before he did and he’s the last one to leave. That car that cut you, perhaps he’s rushing to a family member with a medical emergency… or just badly needs to reach a toilet ASAP. ?
  5. Don’t just live for God; live with God. I can be overtaken by wanting to live for Him that I overlook living with Him. He came not just to seek and save the lost, but also that we may live life to the full.
  6. Prayer works. Prayer matters. I couldn’t have survived this year without many prayers and the prayers of many.
  7. This is not our permanent home. So, don’t be too attached to what you now have, or too eager to buy what you do not yet have.
  8. Be open to hear God despite the messenger. Easier said than done. ?
  9. The good that we do does not justify the bad. We can’t make up for the bad without correcting it. You can be the most socially responsible person on earth but if you are not faithful to your spouse, being socially responsible does not justify your being unfaithful.
  10. No amount of success at work can make up for failure at home. But there is Hope. It’s never too late to mend relationships.
  11. Personal relationship with God matters. It is not about religion, by being part of this or that, by doing this or that. Do I love Him? Do I follow Him?
  12. Embrace the seasons of life. Embrace them in full—the good, the bad, the ugly, the tiring. Press on. One day you’ll look back and see that you won’t be who you are without having gone through these.

A few of these are not my originals. I hope to write more about each of these later. How was your 2019? Mine seemed like a time of settling in after a series of transitions, which also meant that it was a time of growing and maturing to be the best me for this new season of my life.  And yet there is more growth needed but I’m simply embracing the season and pace that God leads me in.

2019 in review: Mom’s (and dad’s) 60th birthday in HK. Noah’s first movie house. Victory Makati at Alphaland Makati Place!!! Taiwan. OilMNL. HFMD… the worst!!! Got to dance again (at dad’s 60th party). Shanghai. And throughout, finally, being able to contribute at work. Thank You, Father, for another year!

My Annual Birthday Posts:

2016: Wow. Book published. Blog revamped. Baby on the way. Breakthrough (financial). Busting out fires in prayer. Read it here.

2017: It was a crazy year, indeed, and how can I forget I got held up at the Japan immigration?! Read it here.

2018: A year of transitions. I moved from the team I was part of for eight years to a new team in a new role working on new things. Pao went back to work. Noah started going to “school.” Read it here.


About Pam Marasigan

Hello! I'm a wife and mom who has a full-time job and does homeschooling, and I also birthed a book a year after we lost our firstborn. I aspire to live each day according to God’s purpose for me. I believe that we were designed to live life to the full throughout life’s different seasons.